Thursday, October 1, 2009

Disclaimer for this site

This site is a blog and only a blog. It does not represent the views or opinions of anything that matters really and I am not being paid for anything written in it.
If you take offense or disagree with anything said or done here please feel free to comment on the post and we can create a discussion regarding it. If you just want to complain and not discuss anything... get your own blog... Its free on!
(Not a paid endorsement)

I reserve the right to change my opinion from moment to moment or when I have not had enough sleep and just feel like posting cause I want to vent or rant... I will. Thats why blogs were invented. That, and because we all wanted to be teenage medical doctors talking to ourselves as we wrote down our thoughts (joke - Doogie Houser reference)

I have stated before - and I will state it again. I will more than likely delete these posts later on in the months to come and replace them with something well thought out and planned. Until then I plan on posting what ever is on my mind to vent, complain, or try to solve the worlds problems in 30 seconds or less.

This blog is intended to be taken seriously and not seriously at the same time. Anyone that knows my sense of humor would understand this strange way I have of expressing things with sarcasm, wit (i hope) and intelectual mumbo jumbo.

Its target audience is anyone very bored in their day that needs something to read to distract them long enough so they don't see the burglers breaking in and stealing their TV in the next room. ( I am not involved I swear )
Or just anyone very bored.

I hope it is 25% inspirational, 25% confusing, 25% funny, 25% serious and 25% mathmatical jokes. 7/5ths of all people will not understand that last joke.

I am 33 years old, wear glasses and think more highly of myself than I ought... yet I feel I have some insite to share from my boundless wisdom and increasingly modest outlook of my intelect.

- Joseph