Thursday, August 4, 2011

A look at Philip the Evangelist (Rough Draft)

This is part of a study I am doing myself - this is part 1 rough draft (no references as of yet but the rough outline to be filled out later on)

Philip of the New Testament

Philip is fascinating to study what little information we have regarding him and his life and his ministry for several reasons.

Like Stephen, he was only ever called out from the crowd - so to speak - just to serve and wait on tables when the early church fed and took care of its members, widows and orphans included.
Thats it.

No amazing earth shattering booming voice from heaven and angels singing as they prayed for them… just they were selected to wait tables.

Philip however, along with God's help of course, did not limit himself to just doing this in the church. Stephen was well known for praying for the sick and miracles happening while he was just a waiter. Philip was well known for preaching Christ in the streets and signs and wonders followed him and many were healed… however he was only ever called out to hand people food.

The modern dilemma with this is two fold. It is encouraging for people that feel called by God to do more than waiting tables - that the "more" will happen as a result of being faithful. Problem one…
People don't like waiting tables forever when they feel they should be on the streets being a witness or want to he in full time ministry overnight.
There is in the modern world the drive to quit the tables and start a ministry here and now NOW NOW!

Philip was anointed to hand people food by man - Philip had a calling inside that worked its way out anyway WHILE waiting tables - that of the Evangelist.

Problem two. In the modern world delusion is not a rare thing. People can be well intentioned or just stubbornly ignorant of the things of God and miss things such as timing or calling (of God)

As I stated in problem one the waiting tables seems beneath what man of God eventually grew out of Philip… People that have knowledge of their calling need to be just as patient for God to draw it out of them and not rush off to make something happen. Part two of this problem are the deceived ones. The ones that want the office without the work. That want the adoration or position without the fullness of preparation.

The problems with the problems…

I have been told by many many men of God that I admire and respect… "When you feel God tell you it is time… don't wait on leadership to acknowledge and set you apart Go then to do your own thing or you will regret it later on"

Unfortunately I disagree with that statement.

The problem is there is such a thing as calling and anointing and being set apart and prayed for by leadership. Most people do not want to wait for it the right way.

The flip side is that leadership may not want to or cannot recognize calling in you.

The solutions.
A. Open Friendly Communication with Leadership
Talking and meeting with your leadership is the ONLY way to ensure they know what is going on with you and you with them.

B. Dedicated genuine prayer life and Christian lifestyle.
Nothing shines through more than being a real and genuine person in every circumstance. Being a witness on the streets and in the Church. (Something Philip learned.) Continually seeking God and searching out prayerfully and fearfully your calling and destiny that HE desires for you

C. Knowing when to leave leadership and knowing when to stay.
Philip - we can surmise didn't leave out of anger and go start his own work (as many do today), infect it seems he didn't leave his position at all until he was needed elsewhere.

Imagine a scenario where your a waiter… You just know to do what you know to do. Someone needs more food… you get it for them. Someone is sick, you pray for them. Someone needs money, you bless them or pray with them. Miracles happen… you expect them so its no big deal.
You preach on the streets and declare Jesus to those that did not know of Him before and again miracles happen and its no big deal. God is great!
God starts calling you and directing you to do this or go here and more miracles, people getting saved and so forth. God is awesome! You enjoy being a servant in the church and just doing what comes naturally to you when serving God. Later on you go to leadership and say that you want to leave waiting tables and evangelize full-time. Great they say… but that would leave us without a waiter so no you can't go.

Well this didn't happen to Philip but we can take the obvious next step and go to God in prayer about it. The same God that leads and guides you in preaching and teaching and signs and wonders and miracles will not keep silent about what to do next.

Ultimately leaving leadership should be the FURTHEST thing from your mind however if you cannot get away from what God is telling you - then do the next obvious thing… NO not that. Ask God to show the leadership, ask the leadership to pray about it. The same God talks to all people and He will not cross messages from one person to the next.

Imagine scenario two… same setup only the leadership know in more than one way that you are in fact called and chosen by more than you saying that you are. They will be looking at several things.
Reputation with Christians / Non Christians
Attitude toward leadership
Reputation in Study of the Word
Prayer life
Last but not least - what leadership hears in prayer regarding you.

You need to realize that your eagerness could put you out before your ready
You need to realize that your ego could put you in a position of not wanting to hear from God or leadership.
You need to realize that no God fearing leadership would hold you back from advancement if they have heard from God
You need to realize that there are people in the world in "ministry" that either does not belong or went out when they should have stayed waiting tables… you could be one of those.

Ministry is not to be taken casually and asking or seeking a position for ministry is truly a big thing.
Several things on leadership side of things needs to be kept in mind.

Leadership promotes those that are ready in every way possible to avoid complications
Leadership is responsible if nothing else but in reputation for people it promotes.
Leadership looks for qualities of leadership in those that seek promotion.
Servants tend to only want to serve
Servants on the way to something else dream big but serve until ready
Servants not happy to serve anymore are more than likely ahead of things at best or at worst not a real potential promotion.

Things to keep in mind as a servant.

Leadership are rightly scared to promote people that are unstable in some way
Leadership may see ego for leadership quality (others get promoted ahead of you)
Leadership may see servant qualities as contentment to stay a servant
Leadership is responsible unto God for sheep and those it helps raise.
You however are responsible to answer the call on your OWN life… failing to step up to the plate is your fault not the leadership.

You have permission from God to be the man or woman of God that you feel you are in your heart… IF
A. Its not ego and pompousness
B. You are actively pressing in for your calling
C. You worry about missing a step but trust God to guide you in every way.

Keep in mind it is with fear and trembling the Bible says… that you work out your own salvation.
Another way to think of this is that no matter how confident we are in the Spirit… its our flesh that comes along for the ride and we have to make sure its in line just as much as our prayer life.

Take away thoughts…

Philip was only ever prayed over to be a waiter of tables. His gift and his relationship with God drove him and others around him to see what was inside there put by God.
Philip was a man of God not worried about missing it… but only in pursuing what God had before him to do.
Although he never had a title given to him by leadership or position bestowed upon him… Philip became known as an evangelist because that was what he did in the process of outworking his calling while still waiting tables.

_ Advancing down the path_

Worst case scenario is that your a little later on in life when the moment you feel is your moment finally arrives. I would personally rather be 110 years old and in the perfect will of God in my moment… than 30 years old and out of the will of God or out of step with the way things should be.

Can I say something to you? As a friend please take this to heart in the right manner in which I intend it to be…

Its easy to quit.
Its easy to want to start your own work NOW NOW NOW than to wait.
Its easy to let your ego get in the drivers seat and take over the thinking.
Its easy to assume leadership is jealous, afraid of competition or deaf to the voice of God.
Its easier to take the shortcut than put the work and effort into doing things the right way.
It is easy to get angry at leadership while waiting for promotion.
It is easy to mistake the voice of God for an inner voice of aspiration.
It is easy to override the voice of God and go after feelings.

Ministry is spelled W O R K
Or in another phrase… Ministry is willing hands prepared to do what is needed to be done.

God has a history of using mere servants and picking the people out that most would over look.
David was a shepherd
Moses was a stuttering shepherd
Paul was a tent maker

Bonus takeaway...
One of the things you should take away from all of this is God can and will use anyone regardless of title, breeding, background or elevated position. He tends to pick the ones that no one else would use.

We all tend to look towards the Generals to lead and also to do the work for us in the Body. However it is the servants that see the miracles, the ones carrying the water pots, the ones that know what was put into the vessels to start with. It is in these people that God trusts to work in the background getting the job done. In a servants sense… its the men and women of God working in the background that see to the details of every meeting, every church service and ensure the work of the ministry is carried out.
It is also on occasion like in the case of many great men and women of God - the servants that God picks to do more than wait on tables, but to go beyond what titles are bestowed and pursue that which God put in their heart to do.

To be in the limelight seems tempting. But I would far rather be known by reputation only and never have my face recognized by anyone other than those that need a word from God - that God sends me to.

Philip lived a long and successful life - married and had a family. He raised four daughters full of the Word of God and they all had a reputation of flowing in the prophetic. So great was his life and his work later in life that when Paul the Apostle visited him later on in life that he stayed many days fellow-shiping and enjoying the hospitality of Philip.

What can we learn from the life of Philip…
Several key traits seem to present themselves.

Purpose Driven
Not position seeking
Not in a hurry
Walking out his calling with God as his guide.
Content to be a servant
Driven to do all that is needed to be done.
Not seeking to be a General but happy to pursue the plan given by God